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Using other Z-Wave and Zigbee equipment on the Genius Hub system

General advice

Genius Hub uses the open z-wave protocol, and can include and control z-wave compatible devices, the Hub is only designed to recognise and configure the specific devices we sell, which the system has been designed to work with and tested extensively. Other devices may include and will be usable to some degree, however, the device may not be properly configured or all of its functionality be exposed. In any case it will be reported as an 'unrecognised device'.

The ZigBee protocol is not open, and so only specific devices which we sell will work with the Genius Hub. Any attempts to include other devices will likely lead to them not functioning significantly.

We also do not provide technical support for third-party devices that have been sourced elsewhere.

How do they work on the app

If a non-Genius Hub Z-Wave device is added to the system, it will be listed on the Devices Page. However rather than a friendly name such as 'Smart Plug', the device will have a 'hash' which looks something like 0x1234567890. This cannot be changed as the names are programmed into the Genius Hub for each device.

The device will also have a number of channels and functions for it to work correctly. As a heating controller, the Genius Hub only supports a sub-set of these, and so any functions beyond the basic are unlikely to work, or work effectively. The devices also cannot be configured, as these parameters (such as how often a battery-powered device wakes up, or what scale to report measurements in) have to be programmed on a per device basis.

Smart Plugs

In theory, any Z-Wave EU compatible power socket can be used to boost the signal around a property. However, only the Smart Plugs that we sell can be controlled from the app when it comes to turning them on and off.

Radiator Valves

It is possible to add Danfoss Living Connect 13 radiator valves to the Genius Hub system. We do not recommend nor support these devices but they are compatible with the Genius Hub system. We have an agreement with Danfoss to manufacture our Genius Radiator Valves, which contain a custom firmware on the devices. The main advantage for most customers is that the Genius Radiator Valve reports the room temperature back to the app. In rooms with just Danfoss Living Connect 13s, a separate temperature sensor is recommended (such as a Wireless Room Sensor) so we have an accurate measured temperature.

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