The following explains how to ensure that the Electric Relay can communicate with the Genius hub.

  • When an Electric Relay has no valid paths of communication back to the Genius Hub it can no longer accurately control the electric heater to the schedule on the app. This can lead to the heating being on when should be off and vice-versa.

  • First locate the Electric Relay which is not communicating with the Genius Hub.The number of the Electric Relay may be located no the right hand side of the device.

  • First the Genius Hub needs to attempt to communicate with the Electric Relay once more.

    First, ping the device:
    Select the Electric Relay you want to check
    Click on the Device sub-menu (3 dots)
    Select Ping and confirm

    Wake up the device by removing the fused spur from the front of the pattress. 

    WARNING: This should be done by a qualified electrician or heating engineer as there will be exposed wiring.

    Then, press the button on the front of the Electric Relay

  • The Hub will check that the Electric Relay received the ping

    If the ping failed to get through:

    If the Electric Relay is still not communicating then is not able to find a route back to the Genius Hub.

    There are a number of possible option to fix this:

    1. Ensure all of your other Smart Plugs are plugged in and powered on. These act as signal repeaters and if unplugged may stop any nearby devices from managing to contact the Genius Hub.

    2. Move an existing Smart Plug closer to the Electric Relay. Moving a device which repeats the signal closer is likely to provide a new route back to the Genius Hub. If you have thick walls (or other materials which may block the signal like a metal cabinet or large piece of furniture) the Smart Plug may only be able to communicate through 1 wall in that direction.
    Note: If you move a Smart Plug too far from its prior position, you may reduce the options for another device which needs to communicate with the Genius Hub.

    3. Purchase a new Smart Plug to place near to this device. If you have a signal 'dead-spot' and cannot move another Genius Smart Plug closer without adversely affecting he signal coverage elsewhere in the property a new Smart Plug will be needed to provide a suitable route back to the Genius Hub.

    Once you have carried out the above options (one at a time and in turn), try the previous step once more to see if the device can now communicate with the Genius Hub.