Wireless Room Sensor Reconfigure
This article is an excerpt from the Genius Hub Doctor, which is built into the App.
These instructions are provided so that the step-by-step information is available to users, but please note that these actions should generally be carried out whilst using the Doctor.
To access the Doctor, click here
Solution ID: 7557
Step 1
Sometimes a Wireless Room Sensor may lose the factory settings which were applied to it when it was added to the system. This can occur when the battery has been changed in the device.
When the Wireless Room Sensor has the incorrect configuration messages it can communicate with the Genius Hub too often, which leads to the battery not lasting as long or it can not report back the measured temperature to the Genius Hub. When the device is reconfigured the wake-up interval is reset back to 30 minutes.
Step 2
First locate the Wireless Room Sensor in the room you want to adjust.
The Doctor will ask you to select the relevant device
Step 3
The device now needs to be configured by the Genius Hub to ensure the correct behaviour and communication.
The Doctor will communicate with the device
Step 4
To ensure that the messages get through to the device, it needs to be woken up.
The Doctor will communicate with the device
Wake up the device by removing the front cover and pressing the black button once.

Step 5
The Doctor will check that the device is configured correctly
Step 6
The Doctor will check that the device is configured correctly
Step 7
The Doctor will check that the device is configured correctly
Step 8
The newly awakened Room Sensor should now receive the correct configuration parameters.
The Doctor will check that the device is configured correctly