How can you test if the Dual Channel Receiver is faulty?
In order to establish your Dual Channel Receiver is doing what is asked to do please follow the steps below:
Step 1. Checking if the Dual Channel Receiver is switching OFF.
- Turn OFF from the app the Heating and the Hot Water. You can use the quick actions which are located at the bottom of the screen to switch off the entire Heating and then go to the Hot Water zone and switch it off.
- Wait 2 minutes...
- Walk to the Dual Channel Receiver
- Open the door of the Dual Channel Receiver and check the label on the door to what are the 2 white buttons controlling. Normally the top button would control the Heating and the bottom button would control the Hot Water.
- Press and Hold the top button (normally the Heating) and the bottom button (normally the Hot Water). The light should turn red because the Heating and the Hot Water has been switched off from the app.
- Go to the Device list on the app and check if the traffic lights of the Dual Channel Receiver are red.
Step 2. Checking if the Dual Channel Receiver is switching ON
- Turn ON from the app the heating and the hot water
- Wait 2 minutes
- Walk to the Dual Channel Receiver
- Press and Hold the top button (normally the Heating) and the bottom button (normally the Hot Water). The light should turn green because the Heating and the Hot Water has been switched ON from the app.
- Go to the Device list on the app and check if the traffic lights on the Dual Channel Receiver is green.
Step 3. Check the wiring
- The interface between the Genius system and the boiler is a relay, which is only switching the boiler ON / OFF for each of Heating / Hot Water. This would not directly cause the boiler to go into a fault mode. The steps above proved that the Dual Channel Receiver is not faulty and is doing what it is told to switch ON and OFF the boiler.
- Sometimes because the Dual Channel Receiver is not wired properly there is a loose wire. You will know this is the case if the light at the top left turns off. The normal status of the Dual Channel Receiver is the amber light which blinks every 2 minutes because is communicating with the system not because is disconnected! In a case of loose wire, we suggest to check the wiring or to seek advice from an Electrician.