On this page you will find all of the relevant information about the latest app that is being developed by Genius.

2016/11/25 - v5.0.3 (beta)

* Added pull down to refresh on Devices page
* Doctor is back inside a modal (not a fullscreen page)
* Fixed multiple degree symbols being displayed
* Changed some z-wave response text
* Increased size of devices in the Doctor
* New battery icon on Devices page
* New details on Devices pageĀ 
* Changed upper limit of activity to switch rooms on from 120 to 30 minutes
* Removed grey background from select all and some other places in the app
* New function to round the temperatures to make consistent across app
* New style for issues and warnings (to mirror the devices page)
* Slider now has to be dragged, not clicked to change value
* Fixed update button in About page
* Removed grey background from "You can now close the doctor" box
* Changed device name (if no hash is found) from "Device not found" to "unknown device"
* Changed light gray temperature colors to black across app
* Changed footprint "away" text